Global Bird Count in February
Join the world in connecting to birds February 14–17, 2025. Watch the video to learn more about the count.
Spend time in your favorite places watching birds—then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the birds around you. Identify them, count them, and submit your counts to help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world. If you already use eBird or Merlin, your submissions over the 4 days count toward GBBC.
Connect to Birds, to Nature, and with Each Other
Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 14–17, 2025, when the world comes together for the love of birds.

Join Our Live Event!
Join panelists for this one-hour live event to learn how to participate in this exciting global count.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
3:00 PM ET (12 PM PT)
Be Part of a Global Event
Watch observations roll in from around the world. Each submitted checklist becomes a glowing light on our bird sightings map.
Map or Find Community Birding Events
Are you birding for GBBC as a part of a community event? Add it to the map so others can join you and so we have a better sense of how the world comes together to celebrate birds.

Showcase Your Photos
We enjoy seeing your pictures from the event. Share pictures of birds, yourself, and others birdwatching in your yards or at your favorite birding spots.
Stay connected to the Great Backyard Bird Count.
By subscribing to stay connected to the Great Backyard Bird Count, you agree to receive communications from The Cornell Lab, Audubon, and Birds Canada. You may unsubscribe from any of the organizations' communications at any time.