Historical Photo Gallery

Overall Winner: Roseate Spoonbill and Wood Stork by Ellen Trevor/GBBC

Overall Winner: Tufted Titmouse by Jenny Burdette/GBBC

Tricolored Heron hunting for prey from a tree log.
Overall winner: Tricolored Heron by Thomas Anderson/GBBC

Great Egret reflection while preening feathers in the water.
Overall Winner: Great Egret by Judy Lyle/GBBC

Pair of White-winged Crossbills on the branch of a tree over water.
Overall Winner: White-winged Crossbill by Nick Saunders/GBBC

Red-tailed Hawk preening tail feathers while perched on a branch.
Overall Winner: Red-tailed Hawk by Peter/GBBC
Pair of Sandhill Cranes flying with the moon in the background.
Overall Winner: Sandhill Crane by Georgia Wilson/GBBC

Thank you to everyone who has submitted photos over the years. We hope you will continue to share your images. See the links below to guide you on where to share photos.

  1. Upload bird images to your Great Backyard Bird Count eBird List (All photos go into Macaulay Library)
  2. Share images of people birding to this page (Photos will be used by Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society, and Birds Canada for promoting bird watching)

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